Responsibilities of Members of the Board of Editors
Members of the Board of Editors serve eight-year terms (five years, extendable to eight, in the
case of individuals located outside the US and Canada). New editors are elected by the Board
when the term of a current editor is approaching its end. The responsibilities of members of
the Board of Editors include the following:
Supervising the checking in their laboratory of procedures in articles submitted to
Organic Syntheses, editing the final version of the article, and preparing a report at the
conclusion of checking.
Reviewing all articles submitted for publication in Organic Syntheses and providing
comments and recommendations to the Editor in Chief.
Reviewing proposals for articles for publication in Organic Syntheses and providing
comments and recommendations to the Editor in Chief.
Attending biannual meetings of the Board of Editors to review articles in checking and
discuss new initiatives.
Proposing articles that might be solicited for submission to Organic Syntheses.
Editing an annual volume of Organic Syntheses in the final year of their term on the
Board of Editors.