
This template is a guide to be used to prepare manuscripts for submission to Organic Syntheses. Please consult the Instructions for Authors or a recent issue of Organic Syntheses for examples of the required style and format.

Using the Template

Manuscripts for Organic Syntheses consist of several components: the title of the article, list of authors, author’s addresses, the structural scheme, hazard note (optional), the main text of the procedure, notes, handling statement, discussion section, references, appendix, and biographical sketches with photos. The Organic Syntheses Template defines the unique style and format for each of these components.

There are two options for how authors can prepare manuscripts for submission. The first option is preferred and should be used for the initial preparation of a new manuscript. The second option can be used for manuscripts that have already been prepared using another style and format.

(1) In Option (1), authors type their manuscript directly into the Organic Syntheses template. Select (highlight) the text in the section of the template that you want to replace and type your text. For example, highlight the Title section of the template and type over it the actual title of your article. Repeat for each section of the article.
(2) This Option is used if you have already prepared a draft of your article as a Word document using another style and format. The most reliable first step is to simply copy and paste your existing text into the template section by section. The second step in this option involves applying Word “Styles” to each individual component section of the article.
Depending on the version of Word you are using (and your operating system), there are several ways to apply Word Styles to the text you have pasted into the template.
(a) The simplest method is to paste into the template a section of your draft article and then to immediately click the small square icon that appears near the pasted text (labeled “Paste Options” when you hover over it with your mouse). Clicking this button provides a menu of several paste options, from which you should choose “Match Destination Formatting” (Mac) or “Merge Formatting” (Windows). The text that you paste into the template from your draft will initially retain the style and format of your draft Word document. Choosing one of these “Paste Options” will change your text to have the Organic Syntheses style and format.
(b) The second method to adjust the style and format of your newly pasted text is to highlight (select) it and choose the appropriate style for that section from the Styles bar located above the document window under the Home tab of Word.
(c) A third method (Mac) is to choose View => Styles at the top of your screen to open a floating Styles box from which you can choose the appropriate style for that section.

Note: in each case, the application of the template styles will change all fonts in your text to Palatino. Consequently, you will need to reformat any characters in Symbol font back to that font after applying the Word Styles.